Stanoxyl (AKA Stanozolol, Winstrol)
Chemical Name: 17β-Hydroxy-17-methyl-5alpha-androstano[3,2-c]pyrazole
Molecular Weight: 328.49 g/mol
Formula: C21H32N2O
Half Life: 9 hours
Detection Time: 2 months
Anabolic Rating: 320
Androgenic Rating: 30
Effective Dosage for Men: 25 - 50 mg/day
Effective Dosage for Women: 5 - 10 mg/day
Stack With: Sustaxyl, Dianoxyl, Anadroxyl, Primoxyl, Nandroxyl, Boldaxyl, Trenboxyl Acetate, Haloxyl for best results.
Use For: Bulking and cutting cycles.
Invariably an honorable place on the shelves of pharmacies takes amongst other anabolics all known Stanozolol. It is loved very musch by athletes and bodybuilders. Despite the rather large age of this drug, its popularity does not decrease with time.
Stanoxyl is available in two versions: tablets and for intramuscular administration. In ampoules, this drug is diluted not with oil, but with ordinary water, so you can just take it orally. The best effect, however, is still after injections, somewhere 50% more.
According to its chemical composition, Stanozolol is derived from dihydrotestosterone and is distinguished by the presence of 5 rings of benzene. Most steroids have only 4 rings. The uniqueness of this drug also comes from its property of opposing progesterone.
Winstrol was first created by an American firm in 1962. Its first use was in treatment of anemia. It also began to be used as a means of increasing the formation of blood cells. Then doctors paid attention to an increase in muscle mass in patients and began to recommend for use in veterinary medicine, in particular, to improve the speed performance of running horses. After a short application on animals, they were interested in participants of power sports and bodybuilders.
Stanoxyl has become popular in the bodybuilding environment due to some of its features and differences from other types of steroids. This drug does not just increase the mass of muscles, but gives the muscle tissue a beautiful relief. In addition, it helps in burning fat and increases vascularity.
The next positive quality of Stanoxyl is the increase in strength and endurance during training. Especially is appreciated this drug in athletics and powerlifting. In addition to burning fat, Stanoxyl removes excessive water from body, so it is often used by athletes for cutting.
To build muscles and improve vascularity, athletes can use it solo. In addition, the strength indicators are significantly increased. Stanoxyl cycle is suitable for everyone who has enough weight and a small amount of body fat. Here are some recommendations:
We are an official supplier of Kalpa Pharmaceuticals, so you can safely buy Stanoxyl here.
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Trade Name: Winstrol
Compound: Stanozolol
Strength: 10 mg/pill
Container: 100 Pills in Sachet
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Lab Tested: View Result
Jul 19, 2018 (12:00)
This winny hurt my joints badly, I will not use winny again, I have used it before many years ago and it didn't hurt this bad, or maybe being younger it didn't effect me as much, but my wrists and knees are still reeling after PCT. I kept my body weight the same while changing my physique for most of the cycle, i ran the winny 50 mg per day for 20 days, it was a nice boost in strength but again, killed my joints. I had great pumps throughout the cycle and now being off cycle and pct, Im missing the strength and recovery time dearly.