Trenbolone (20 Offers)

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Dragon Pharma, Europe

Trade Name: Parabolan 100
Compound: Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate
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Container: 10 mL Vial
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma

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Trade Name: Trenbolone 100
Compound: Trenbolone Acetate
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Container: 10 mL Vial
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Lab Tested: View Result

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Compound: Trenbolone Enanthate
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Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
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Trade Name: Tri-Tren 150
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Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Lab Tested: View Result

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Trade Name: Trenboxyl Enanthate
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Kalpa Pharmaceuticals LTD, India

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Strength: 150 mg/ml
Container: 10 ml Vial
Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals

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British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
Trade Name: Trenabol Depot 200
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Manufacturer: British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
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British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
Trade Name: Trenabol Hexa 100
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Manufacturer: British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
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Mixed Trenbolones:
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Strength: 150 mg/mL
Container: 10 mL Vial
Manufacturer: British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
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Manufacturer: Axiolabs

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Trade Name: Trenaplex E 200
Compound: Trenbolone Enanthate
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Trade Name: Trinaplex 150
Mixed Trenbolones:
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Strength: 150 mg/mL
Container: 10 mL Vial
Manufacturer: Axiolabs
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Buy Trenbolone Online for Bitcoins - Real Trenbolone Sales

Trenbolone Enanthate and also Trenbolone Acetate are very powerful anabolic steroids, which are used to increase muscle mass. Trenbolone is a very powerful tool in the hands of a bodybuilder who has set himself the goal of a quick gain of quality muscle mass. To buy Trenbolone will be the right decision if you want to get a high-quality and fast result and you have problems with building muscle mass. This drug can be safely called a joker in the hands of athletes. Trenbolone was the last steroid created by scientists and at the same time surpassed all other preparations of this class.

Trenbolone Effects

Trenbolone is a drug widely used not only in bodybuilding, but also in veterinary medicine, precisely because of its unique properties. However, it has many side effects, which in no case should not be ignored. There are several variations of this drug - Trenbolone Enanthate, Trenbolone Acetate, Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate, differing in several factors, the most popular form is the first option.

From the positive effects, Trenbolone is ready to offer you the following:

  • Increased buildup of muscle mass
  • Strength improvement
  • Burning fat

With the correct use of this drug, you can get up to ten kilograms of muscle mass per cycle.

Approximately until the early 2000s in USA it was very difficult to find a qualitative Trenbolone. Only after we had the products of the company Dragon Pharma, the situation changed and the athletes were able to purchase real Trenbolone.

At the moment, there are three types of esters of this substance, differing in terms of half-life. The shortest is Acetate, which lasts from one to two days. In its turn, Parabolan has the longest effect - about 10 days. Between them is Enanthate, whose activity is equal to eight days. There is also a tablet preparation, but it is very weak and we will not mention about it again.

Trenbolone was created on the basis of Nandrolone (there is such an endogenous hormone in our body, and not just a steroid). Thanks to this modification, Trenbolone proved to be much stronger than its "progenitor". However, there is a common progestogen activity between them. We recall that this property is inherent in Oxymetholone. It is because of the presence of progestogenic activity, on the course of Trenbolone, estrogenic side effects may appear.

Trenbolone Dosage and Cycles

Trenbolone was created specifically for the needs of veterinary medicine and was used to increase the appetite of livestock and building them muscular mass. In bodybuilding, tasks for this drug are somewhat different. This is a universal steroid and you can use it at any training stage. This is one of the most popular drugs in professional bodybuilding and, especially during the preparation for tournaments. If you combine Trenbolone with steroids that are not susceptible to aromatization (Boldenone, Winstrol, etc.), then you can significantly improve the constitution of the body.

We have already said that this drug is not able to retain water in the body and is thus the most powerful androgen. Add to this a properly formulated dietary nutrition program in conjunction with fat burners and the results obtained will surprise you. In this situation, you can gain quality weight and get rid of excessive weight.

Since the low-calorie nutrition programs that are used by pro-builders in preparing for tournaments, plunge the body into a powerful stress, Trenbolone allows them to better tolerate huge physical exertion and avoid overtraining. Over the past few decades, many builders owe their victories to Trenbolone.

However, the drug was loved not only by bodybuilders, but also by representatives of other power sports. With a properly organized course, you can significantly increase the power parameters and do not gain a large amount of mass. For many characteristics, Trenbolone is similar to Testosterone or Methandienone, but only Oxymetholone is able to make at least some kind of competition. Many athletes, who first experienced the effect of Trenbolone, are struck by the increase in power parameters, which gives this steroid.

We have already said that athletes have for a long time used Trenbolone in powerlifting, applying it in combination with various AAS.

Thanks to Trenbolone, you can effectively gain muscle mass, but in this situation, preference should be given to long esters, most often it's Enanthate. It should be used in conjunction with Testosterone, Methandienone and other drugs. The classical approach to the preparation of mass-gaining courses suggests that the dosage of Testosterone should be two or three times greater than the amount of Trenbolone used.

For example, during the week you inject 300 mg of Enanthate, and in this case, at the same time, you need to inject at least 500 mg of Testosterone. If Trenbolone is combined with Methandienone, then this drug is used according to the classical scheme (from 30 to 40 mg per day). It is also important to remember that the duration of such a powerful course should not exceed two months.

Acetate can also be used as a mass-gaining drug, but so do those athletes who want to shield themselves from possible side effects. For this they conduct "mini" courses, lasting no more than five weeks. This is a rather unusual approach to the use of steroids, but it is effective enough to be used.

Trenbolone cycle lasts usually about eight weeks, with the dosage gradually increasing, but not exceeding the norm. For example, a combination of Trenbolone Acetate and Testosterone Propionate lasting 6-7 weeks will help you to gain about 5 kg of pure muscle mass. Also, we recommend that you always include any Testosterone in cycles with Trenbolone, since both Trenbolone Acetate and Trenbolone Enanthate greatly reduce the production of the hormone in your body.

There are other drugs that help to reduce the likelihood of side effects and increase the effectiveness of training (Winstrol and Oxandrolone [Anavar / Oxandroxyl / Oxanabol]), but all this should be discussed with a specialist so as not to harm yourself.

Trenbolone can be called a professional drug and those bodybuilders who actively use it know all the subtleties. However, we can not ignore the practical use of Trenbolone and give an example of cycle.

The duration of the cycle is nine weeks, and it is conducted in accordance with the following scheme:

- From the 1st to the 7th week, inject Trenbolone Enanthate in the amount of 200-300 mg.
- From 1st to 7th week, take 50 mg of Turinabol daily.
- From the 1st to the 7th week, inject Testosterone Enanthate (Enantat 250 / Enantat 400) in the amount of 750 mg.
- From the 8th to the 9th week is used Stanozolol (Winstrol Depot) - daily for 50 mg and Testosterone Propionate (Propionat 100) - 100 mg every second day.

Trenbolone Side Effects

- High blood pressure
- Sleep disturbance
- Sharp mood swings
- Reduced sexual activity, but in some people, the libido on the contrary increases.

You need to understand that these effects can occur even if you observe the dosage advised by a specialist.

Where to Buy Trenbolone?

Trenbolone, although sold in almost every online store, is still quite expensive. But no one doubts its positive effect on the body, so if you are willing to buy Trenbolone and accept the possible side effects, it will greatly increase the effectiveness of your training.

It is also important to buy a quality product, as there are many counterfeit Trenbolones produced on the basis of the formula used on animals. Admission of such a drug will lead to severe consequences for your body, so do not skimp on buying a proven product in our online steroid store.

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