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Buy Enantat 400 Online 63.00 USD

Drug information:

Trade Name: Enantat
Compound: Testosterone Enanthate
Strength: 400 mg/ml
Container: 10 ml Vial
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Warning! High dosed gear, can cause pain and reaction at the injection site!`
Warm high concentration 400 mg<
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Dragon Pharma Enantat 400 for Sale

Enantat 400 (AKA Testosterone Enanthate)
Chemical Name: 4-androsten-3-one-17beta-ol, 17beta-hydroxy-androst-4-en-3-one
Molecular Weight: 288.42 g/mol
Formula: C19H28O2
Half Life: 10 days
Detection Time: 3 months
Anabolic Rating: 100
Androgenic Rating: 100
Effective Dosage for Men: 400 - 1000 mg/week
Effective Dosage for Women: Not recommended
Stack With: Deca 300, Deca 500, EQ 300, EQ 500, Oxymetholone, Dianabol for best results.
Use For: Bulking cycles.

Enantat 400 is a Testosterone preparation by Dragon Pharma (Europe). The active substance is Testosterone Enanthate - an extended Testosterone ester with high anabolic and androgenic activities. Beginners and professional bodybuilders use it during long cycles, mainly for the purpose of gaining weight and strength.

Testosterone is one of the most common and the first steroid to be widely used, both for medical and sport purposes. Today, its esters, including the most popular Enanthate, become the basis of every steroid cycle.

But Enantat 400, for sporting purposes, is not recommended for everyone, but only for men, because it has strong androgenic properties. For women, high androgen activity of Testosterone is associated with a risk of developing virilization (side effects, such as acne or facial hair and body hair).

The main Enantat 400 effect is a rapid increase in muscle mass, a pronounced increase in strength and endurance. Judging by the general practice and reviews from customers, the results are a possible up to 10-15 kg of muscle mass for an 8-week cycle. Athletes also appreciate the action to increase appetite and libido, pumping, reducing pain in joints, strengthen ligaments, joints and bones, increases motivational parameters (desire to train).

Enantat 400: Side Effects

Enantat 400 side effects, if there are no predispositions, are rare, but not excluded. Possible disorders include androgenic disorders like sebaceous skin, baldness and acne, of estrogenic nature, such as severe water retention, increased blood pressure and gynecomastia. There may also be a marked suppression of Testosterone production, a disorder of sexual activity and even atrophy of testicles (with prolonged administration, as a rule, use Testosterone boosters, including human Chorionic Gonadotropin, in order to avoid such side effects).

Enantat 400 Dosage and Administration

Enantat 400 cycle can effectively last from 4-6 to 10-12 weeks (on average it is an 8-week cycle). Enantat 400 dosage for men is recommended around 400-800 mg per week (divided into several doses on equidistant days to ensure a stable and maximum concentration of the substance). The frequency of administration (an average of 1-3 times a week) is explained by the high duration of its action - up to 15-16 days. In comparison with short esters, Enanthate does not require too frequent use, either daily or every other day, like Propionate.

Upon completion of Enantat 400 cycle, you should necessarily do PCT (post-cycle therapy), during which Clomiphene Citrate (buy Clomid) (about 50-150 mg per day) or Tamoxifen (buy Nolvadex) (about 10-40 mg per day) is effectively used for several weeks (average PCT duration - 3 weeks).

Enantat 400 from Dragon Pharma is a strong enough anabolic and androgenic steroid, providing visible results even when it is used solo. But more often for a synergistic effect and optimal result, combined cycles are used: with Trenbolone, Methandienone, Nandrolone, Oxymetholone, Methenolone, Stanozolol, Boldenone, Turinabol and other anabolic steroids, in accordance with your goals.

Examples of combined cycles: for experienced ones, on weight - with Trenbolone Enanthate or Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate; for experienced ones, for a qualitative muscle growth - with Turinabol, Methenolone Enanthate or Stanozolol.

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If you want to buy Enantat 400 comfortably and without waste of time, then we provide for you the optimal and safe conditions.

Real Enantat 400 Reviews

  • Jan 11, 2018 (14:55) I been pinning the Test E 400 for about 3 wks now and have to say all the expectations have been met or exceeded. My wife is very happy for one since she's not the one hitting on me to have sex. My sex drive is way up. That good sense of well being is there and feeling confident as shit. And getting pimples on my back like i usually get when im on some strong shit. endurance is up in the gym which was the important part.
  • Sep 4, 2017 (14:29) 4 weeks in and all good strength on the up 2 shots of this a week, nice clear and smooth to inject as always with other dragon pharma I have used. Never disappointed.

You must log in before you write a Enantat 400 review.

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