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Buy Oxymetholone (Anadrol) for Bitcoins - Real Anadrol

This anabolic steroid was developed to treat anemia and osteoporosis, and it has also shown efficacy in the treatment of HIV-infected people. It is also used in bodybuilding to gain muscle mass. To date, this drug is available in two versions - liquid and tablets. They do not have a big difference, but when is injected liquid Oxymetholone, unpleasant sensations can arise.

Oxymetholone is used because of the following properties: quick gain of muscle mass.

On the US market, Oxymetholone first appeared in 1960. The first names for this new steroid are Anadrol and Android. Since the anabolic activity of the drug is high, it was used in medicine in the treatment of exhaustion, osteoporosis and complications arising after infectious diseases. Although reviews of the drug were excellent, in the seventies it was decided to narrow the scope of steroid use, starting to use it solely to combat anemia.

In the nineties, the drug from medicine began to displace safer means, which caused concern among athletes who actively used Anadrol. However, this did not happen, since this steroid began to be used in the treatment of AIDS. Now all manufacturers of anabolic steroids have in the line of their products a drug based on Oxymetholone.

Oxymetholone Profile

  • The active compound of the drug shows an activity for 15-16 hours.
  • This drug has anabolic and androgenic properties in the ratio of 320 to 45 in comparison with Testosterone.
  • Although this drug does not have estrogenic activity, it is capable of retaining water in the body.
  • Oxymetholone is not associated with progestogenic activity.
  • The conversion speed into estrogens (the process of aromatization) is low.
  • Do not convert to dihydrotestosterone.
  • It is able to inhibit the production of body's own Testosterone.

To date, Oxymetholone is one of the most effective steroids for weight gain, since after one course you can get almost 15 kilograms of muscle mass. Also you may notice the following results:

  • Improved strength and endurance
  • Elimination of pain in the joints
  • Burning of excess fat

This drug is perfect for both beginning bodybuilders, and for those who have long been engaged in this. After the end of the cycle, you can lose almost thirty percent of the weight gained. In order to reduce this effect, athletes use various additives and training methods, but still the mass loss remains palpable.

  • Also Oxymetholone can cause a number of health problems:
  • Although toxicity is often exaggerated, the fact that you are damaging the liver can not be denied.
  • Disturbances of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Significant deterioration of appetite.

Oxymetholone Cycle and Dosage

Oxymetholone cycle should be followed after 21 years old, and the duration of taking the drug should not exceed six weeks, otherwise the toxic effect on the liver increases many times. Usually Oxymetholone dosage do not exceed 50-100 mg per day.

Exceeding the dosage will lead to health problems. The maximum effectiveness of cycle can be achieved if it is supplemented with other drugs. It is perfectly normal to take Testosterone (Propionate, Cypionate, Enanthate), Boldenone (EQ 300, EQ 500, Boldaxyl) and Methenolone Enanthate (Primobol, Primobolan, Primobolan Depot, Primoxyl 100), while there is almost no health risk. But there are many other drugs with which Oxymetolone is not highly recommended, for example, Turinabol (Turanabol, Turanaxyl) or Methandienone (Dianabol, Dianoxyl, Danabol). You also need to purchase special sports nutrition, which will further increase the effectiveness of your training.

Oxymetholone Cycle for Weight Gain
It is often not recommended to use two tableted AAS at the same time. However, in this case, you can make an exception. The daily dosage of Oxymetholone is 50 mg. Take one tablet of Dianabol three times a day. Starting from the second week of the course, you can increase the dose of one of the drugs - Oxymetholone or Methandienone. The duration of post cycle therapy is from 14 to 21 days, and at this time use Clomiphene (Clomid, Clomed, Clomixyl).

To make the results of the cycle more impressive, it is possible to take Sustanon (Sustaxyl, Sustamed) into its composition. A mixture of Testosterone esters should be administered once a week at a dosage of 250 mg. For the first two or three weeks, take Oxymetholone (2-3 tablets per day), and then replace it with Methandienone (the daily dose is equal to 4 tablets).

Oxymetholone Side Effects

Oxymetholone has strong enough estrogenic properties and side effects of this type, for example, gynecomastia, the appearance of edema on the body due to the delay of a large amount of water, a set of fat mass is very likely. To combat them, it is necessary to use preparations of the aromatase inhibitor group, for example, Mesterolone (Proviron, Provimed, Proviroxyl), Anastrozole (Arimidex, Arimixyl), Letrozole (Femara, Letroxyl), etc. For a long time, scientists assumed that this was due to the presence of progestogen activity, but this fact was not confirmed.

The risk of manifestations of all side effects directly depends on the duration of the cycle and dosages you use. This applies to all types of side effects, because on Oxymetholone cycle may also manifest androgenic sides - alopecia, acne, etc.

In most cases this occurs under the influence of 5α-reductase, but this does not apply to Oxymetholone. This drug is a dihydrotestosterone derivative, which explains everything. Since the active ingredient in the anabolic can not interact with 5alpha reductase, drugs like Finasteride are not able to suppress androgenic side effects.

Like any tableted steroid, Oxymetholone is alkylated and has liver toxicity. The use of the drug daily in an amount of 50 to 100 mg for three months contributes to a significant increase in AST / ALT. To restore the liver, after the cyle, we recommend taking hepatoprotectors.

Any anabolic can cause a balance of lipoprotein compounds, including Oxymetholone. The likelihood of this side effect is directly related to the duration of the cycle and dosages you use.

Oxymetholone can cause an increase in blood pressure, reduce the endothelial relaxation index of blood vessels, stimulate the processes of hypertrophy of the heart muscle and thicken the blood. All these properties of the drug can cause the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system. To avoid this side effect, you need to minimize the use of fast carbohydrates, saturated fatty acids and cholesterol. Also, increasing the amount of omega-fat in the nutrition program in this situation will be very appropriate.

We should not forget that steroids suppress the work of the elements of the pituitary arc. This applies to all AAS without exception. This negative effect on the cycle of Oxymetholone can be very active. If an athlete does not use special auxiliary medications during the cycle, the body will need a lot of time to recover.

It is also important during post cycle therapy to use Clomid, Tamoxifen (Nolvadex, Nolvaxyl, Tamoximed) or Toremifene. That's all the most common side effects that can occur on Oxymetholone course.

Where to buy Oxymetholone?

Our online store can easily offer you a truly great choice of Oxymetholone for sale. We value very much our long-term reputation, and in no case will deliver a counterfeit and cheap analogue of Oxymetholone for sale!

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