Buy Sustanon 270 Online
Testosterone Mix

Sustanon 270

55.00 USD

Trade Name: Sustanon
Mixed Testosterones:
- 20 mg of Testosterone Acetate
- 30 mg of Testosterone Propionate
- 60 mg of Testosterone Phenylpropionate
- 60 mg of Testosterone Isocaproate
- 100 mg of Testosterone Decanoate
Strength: 270 mg/ml
Container: 10 ml Vial
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Lab Tested: View Result

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U.S. Domestic

Sustanon 270 Detailed

Dragon Pharma Sustanon 270 for Sale

Sustanon (AKA Testosterone Blend)
Testosterone Mix:
- 140 mg per mL of Testosterone Decanoate
- 84 mg per mL of Testosterone Phenylpropionate
- 42 mg per mL of Testosterone Propionate
- 42 mg per mL of Testosterone Isocaproate
Chemical Name: 17b-hydroxy-4-androsten-3-one
Molecular Weight: 412.6112 g/mol
Formula: C19H28O2
Half Life: 8 - 10 days
Detection Time: 3 months
Anabolic Rating: 100
Androgenic Rating: 100
Effective Dosage for Men: 270 - 2000 mg/week
Effective Dosage for Women: Not recommended
Stack With: Deca 300, EQ 300, Oxymetholone, Dianabol for best results.
Use For: Bulking cycles.

Lab Test Result

sustanon 270 lab test result

Sustanon 270 - is a complex steroid, which includes 4 Testosterones. This mixture of Testosterone esters provides a powerful, even more prolonged action of this hormone, and is used primarily to maximize muscle mass and strength.

This drug includes 4 Testosterone esters: Decanoate, Phenylpropionate, Propionate and Isocaproate, characterized by high anabolic and androgenic activities, and providing a long action after injection - up to 2-3 weeks, depending on hormonal background.

The main Sustanon 270 effect is a rapid and pronounced gain of muscle mass, an increase in appetite, strength and endurance, therefore this drug is especially relevant for mass-building cycles, during which it can be gained in solo or combined with other steroids - from Methenolone to Trenbolone, in accordance with goals, experience and tolerability of the body.

But the action of Sustanon 270 is not limited to building muscle mass: under controlled administration, fatigue and joint pain, bone system, ligaments and joints, libido, even the development of secondary male sexual characteristics are also reduced.

Sustanon 270: Side Effects

Sustanon 270 side effects for men can have strong estrogenic and androgenic characters: excitability and aggression, acne, sebaceous skin, alopecia, inhibition of Testosterone synthesis, testicular atrophy, water retention, high blood pressure, gynecomastia and some others associated with androgenic properties and aromatization of this steroid. For women, the greatest threat is virilization, which, as a rule, constitutes a restriction for Sustanon use.

Sustanon 270 reviews, despite the risks involved, note that side effects develop mainly with predisposition and long-term abuse of this steroid, and if general recommendations are weakly expressed. Therefore, it is extremely important to adhere to the recommended dosage, periodicity and duration of using this drug.

Sustanon 270 Dosage and Administration

The average dosage of Sustanon 270 is 270-700 mg per week, corresponding to 1-2 ml. This is a long-acting anabolic steroid, so intensive administration is not required. Typically, to maintain effective concentration, 1-3 injections per week are performed.

Sustanon 270 cycle can effectively last for about 8 weeks. For the majority of sports purposes, such a cycle duration, indicated doses and frequency of injection are sufficient for expressed results.

Sustanon 270 is an excellent stacking drug, like Testosterone, it is effectively combined with many analogues. Examples of combined cycles: with Methandienone on cycle, Testosterone Propionate at the end of cycle, Tamoxifen (buy Nolvadex) on PCT, this cycle is best suited for beginners, who want a rapid increase in mass and strength; another cycle is with with Nandrolone Decanoate and Methandienone,used on cycle, Testosterone and Drostanolone Propionate at the end of cycle, and also Tamoxifen on PCT, this cycle is best suited for experienced athletes, for muscle growth and strength.

Post-cycle therapy is necessarily after Sustanon 270 cycle, which requires restoration (due to a decrease in Testosterone production, a risk of muscle loss and other consequences). During PCT use Tamoxifen or Clomiphene Citrate (buy Clomid) for several weeks.

Buy Sustanon 270 Online

By choosing our online steroid store to buy Sustanon 270 from Dragon Pharma, you will have guaranteed delivery and security.

Sustanon 270 Reviews
Dec 14, 2017 (12:22)

I just pinned 1cc Right Quad, Massaged for about 1min maybe 1:30, then went on a mile walk on treadmill,No pain as of yet, went in smooth, and i took pic of packaging and batch/lot numbers and everything looks great ( good enough to post without fear of being laughed at for fake shit, lol haha) I'm am trying to front load this does because I'll hit up another 1cc tomorrow, then Monday , wed, sat repeat etc etc, also using 25mg Exemestane, don't know if i should use 50mg ED, or 25mg ED because I'll be using upwards of 1G(1,000mg) of sus per wk. Any advice hit me up, I always love to learn more so I can help others in the area!

Dec 1, 2017 (11:28)

6 weeks in and gains are exactly as expected. What's surprising is how little PIP I get and trust me I have gotten major PIP from other's gear.

Oct 12, 2017 (11:28)

I have only been on the sust 350 for 4 1/2 weeks - 2 ccs a week so 700. No pip at all and some serious strength and weight gains. In this short period of time i have put on 8 lbs of muscle with no bloating (this is significant to me as i am strict on my diet and have been 210 for past three years).

Sep 28, 2017 (17:43)

I've been using the sustanon 350 for 4 weeks now... Zero PIP, very smooth. I'm running the sust 350 every 3 days, sneak in .5 of test prop in between. So far I'm up about 6-7lbs, nice strength increase as well. I feel real good on this stuff and defiantly going to be using it for a long time.

Jun 29, 2017 (11:11)

i found dragon pharma sustanon 350 to be more potent from what i was already on, was running it with tren e my sex drive really went up, and pumps in the gym were fantastic veins poping out, i was running dragon pharma sustanon at 700mg a week and tren e at 500mg split into 2shots a week, i got no pip worth talking about i had a great sense off well being, loving the sustanon, comes in great lookin bottle oil nice and clear all in all great product. Oil nice and clear smooth to pin, properly dosed gear

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Mixed Testosterones:
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Warning! High dosed gear, can cause pain and reaction at the injection site!`
Warm high concentration 350 mg<
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in order to avoid high levels of PIP
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Trade Name: Sustanon
Mixed Testosterones:
- 20 mg of Testosterone Acetate
- 30 mg of Testosterone Propionate
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- 60 mg of Testosterone Isocaproate
- 100 mg of Testosterone Decanoate
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Container: 10 ml Vial
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Lab Tested: View Result

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Strength: 350 mg/mL
Container: 10 mL Vial
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Warning! High dosed gear, can cause pain and reaction at the injection site!`
Warm high concentration 350 mg<
before administration
in order to avoid high levels of PIP
and massage afterward.

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