Buy The LBM Generator Online
Intermediate Steroid Cycles

The LBM Generator

899.00 USD

What You Need:
Testosterone Enanthate: 4 x 10 mL Vial
Boldenone: 3 x 10 mL Vial
Turinabol: 2 x 100 Pills
Oxandrolone: 6 x 50 Pills
Stanozolol: 2 x 100 Pills
Aromasin: 1 x 100 Pills
Clomid: 1 x 100 Pills

Shipping From:
U.S. Domestic

The LBM Generator Detailed

The LBM Generator Cycle for Sale

This cycle, incorporates two different long acting injectables, a kickstart & back end lean mass oral and hardening compoundsl, This cycle will put lean gains on you, keep your joints feeling great, and shred some body fat.

Week Test Enanthate Boldenone Turinabol Oxandrolone Stanozolol Aromasin Clomid
1 500 mg/week* 500 mg/week* 50 mg/ED 12.5 mg/EOD
2 500 mg/week* 500 mg/week* 50 mg/ED 12.5 mg/EOD
3 500 mg/week* 500 mg/week* 50 mg/ED 12.5 mg/EOD
4 500 mg/week* 500 mg/week* 50 mg/ED 12.5 mg/EOD
5 500 mg/week* 500 mg/week* 50 mg/ED 12.5 mg/EOD
6 500 mg/week* 500 mg/week* 12.5 mg/EOD
7 750 mg/week* 500 mg/week* 12.5 mg/EOD
8 750 mg/week* 500 mg/week* 12.5 mg/EOD
9 750 mg/week* 500 mg/week* 70 mg/ED 12.5 mg/EOD
10 750 mg/week* 500 mg/week* 70 mg/ED 50 mg/ED 12.5 mg/EOD
11 750 mg/week* 500 mg/week* 70 mg/ED 50 mg/ED 12.5 mg/EOD
12 750 mg/week* 500 mg/week* 70 mg/ED 50 mg/ED 12.5 mg/EOD
13 750 mg/week* 500 mg/week* 70 mg/ED 50 mg/ED 12.5 mg/EOD
14 750 mg/week* 500 mg/week* 70 mg/ED 50 mg/ED 12.5 mg/EOD
15 750 mg/week* 70 mg/ED 50 mg/ED 12.5 mg/EOD
16 12.5 mg/EOD
17 12.5 mg/EOD 100 mg/ED
18 12.5 mg/EOD 75 mg/ED
19 12.5 mg/EOD 75 mg/ED
20 12.5 mg/EOD 50 mg/ED

* Inject 2 x Per Week ie; Mon/Thurs

The LBM Generator Reviews
Jan 19, 2020 (18:38)


Jul 30, 2019 (14:01)

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