Buy Lean Mass Beginner Online
Beginner Steroid Cycles

Lean Mass Beginner

476.00 USD

What You Need:
Testosterone Propionate: 3 x 10 mL Vial
Anavar: 5 x 50 Pills
Aromasin: 1 x 100 Pills
Clomid: 1 x 100 Pills

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U.S. Domestic

Lean Mass Beginner Detailed

Lean Mass Beginner Cycle for Sale

This cycle incorporates a short ester testosterone, and a quality oral. Perfect for gaining quality pounds, while shedding a couple %'s off your BF. Great for beginners.

Week Testosterone Propionate Anavar Aromasin Clomid
1 100 mg/EOD 12.5 mg/EOD
2 100 mg/EOD 50 mg/day 12.5 mg/EOD
3 100 mg/EOD 50 mg/day 12.5 mg/EOD
4 100 mg/EOD 50 mg/day 12.5 mg/EOD
5 100 mg/EOD 50 mg/day 12.5 mg/EOD
6 100 mg/EOD 50 mg/day 12.5 mg/EOD
7 100 mg/EOD 50 mg/day 12.5 mg/EOD
8 100 mg/EOD 50 mg/day 12.5 mg/EOD
9 12.5 mg/EOD 75 mg/day
10 12.5 mg/EOD 75 mg/day
11 12.5 mg/EOD 50 mg/day
12 12.5 mg/EOD 50 mg/day
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