SP Propionate (AKA Testosterone Propionate)
Chemical Name: 4-androstene-3-one, 17beta-ol
Molecular Weight: 288.429 g/mol
Formula: C19H28O2
Half Life: 2 days
Detection Time: 2 - 3 weeks
Anabolic Rating: 100
Androgenic Rating: 100
Effective Dosage for Men: 100 - 200 mg/eod
Effective Dosage for Women: Not recommended
Stack With: SP Nandrolone, Equipoise, Oxymetabol, SP Methandienone for best results.
Use For: Bulking and cutting cycles.
Customer reviews describe the drug SP Propionate as working and even highly effective. Injections are used to increase strength and performance, quality growth of muscles. Due to the pronounced effects and low risk of side effects, it can be recommended for athletes of different levels of experience, from beginners to professionals.
The active substance of this drug is Testosterone Propionate. This is a short ester, which has all the effects of a natural hormone, but is characterized by a more prolonged action - up to 2-3 days after injection.
SP Propionate has 100% index of anabolic and androgenic activity from endogenous Testosterone. The action of this steroid remains relatively mild, if recommendations are observed, but it is recommended exclusively for men. For women, even with a reduced dosage (up to 100 mg every 5-7 days), the risk of symptoms of virilization remains high.
For bodybuilders, SP Propionate is an effective steroid drug that shows its effects of increasing muscle mass, fat burning, improving the relief and hardness of muscles, rapidly increasing strength, increasing endurance and performance.
To the possible side effects of this steroid are androgenic and because of the aromatization - estrogenic. These are side effects like sebaceous skin and acne, increased aggression, suppression of the production of natural testosterone; water retention and gynecomastia (lipomastia).
It is important to understand that many of these side effects, develop only with a prolonged abuse of this drug, and the reactions may be individual in each organism (with recommended dosage, frequency and duration of injection, side effects are generally mild or completely absent).
According to SP Propionate reviews, it is a relatively safe and effective preparation for both cutting and mass bulking cycles.
For sporting purposes, the application of SP Propionate is carried out by long cycles - on average up to 6-8 weeks (depending on tasks, training and experience of the athlete).
The effective SP Propionate dosage is about 100 mg (1 mL), with injection intervals every other day or every three days. Higher doses and frequency of administration lead to an increased risk of side effects, and therefore are not recommended for most users.
SP Propionate cycle may be solo, or taken in combination with other drugs. For cutting, it is well combined with Turinabol, Stanozolol in tablets or injections, Trenbolone Acetate, Methenolone Enanthate and some other steroids that promote the production of quality muscles without excessive water and fat; for example: Methandienone, Trenbolone Enanthate or Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate, Nandrolone Decanoate.
For a rapid and pronounced increase in strength, SP Propionate cycle can be combined with Fluoxymesterone. This is a powerful stack of androgenic steroids, we recommend it to more experienced athletes (at doses of about 100 mg every other day of Testosterone and 30 mg per day of Fluoxymesterone). Duration of application - up to 6 weeks.
On cycle (especially in the case of a heavy steroid cycle), a decrease in natural Testosterone may require the taking of Mesterolone (buy Proviron - an androgenic steroid that increases the free Testosterone and libido). Also, it may be necessary to take a strong anti-estrogen, like Anastrozole (buy Arimidex), with a predisposition to appearance of estrogenic side effects. Post-cycle therapy is mandatory - you can take Clomiphene (buy Clomid) or Tamoxifen (buy Nolvadex) according to your needs (for several weeks at doses of 50-150 or 10-40 mg per day).
To buy SP Propionate from us means, undoubtedly, to get the original product from SP Laboratories. We cooperate directly with manufacturers, so we can afford such statements.
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Trade Name: Propionat 100
Compound: Testosterone Propionate
Strength: 100 mg/ml
Container: 10 mL Vial
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
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