Proviron for Bitcoins
Drug information:
Trade Name: Proviron
Compound: Mesterolone
Strength: 25 mg/pill
Container: 20 Pills in Blister
Manufacturer: Bayer Schering
Bayer Schering Proviron for Sale
Proviron (AKA Mesterolone)
Chemical Name: [1 alpha-methyl-17 beta-hydroxy-5 alpha-androstan-3-one]
Molecular Weight: 304.4716 g/mol
Formula: C20H32O2
Half Life: up to 12 hours
Detection Time: 5 – 6 weeks
Anabolic Rating: 100-150
Androgenic Rating: 30-40
Effective Dosage for Men: 25 – 200 mg/day
Effective Dosage for Women: 5 – 25 mg/day
Use For: As an ancillary compound, as an adjunct to anabolic steroid cycles in order to minimize or mitigate the effects of Estrogen on the body. It is also used for its aesthetic effects in enhancing the ‘hard’ look of the physique both through its effects as an anti-estrogen, as well as its effects as a strong androgen.
Proviron is an oral anabolic steroid which was first developed in the 1930’s. Proviron is mainly used in the treatment of male hormone disorders. As a performance enhancement Proviron is generally used for cutting stacks and in post-cycle therapy. Being a derivative of DHT (dihydrotestosterone), it has a desirable tendency to add hardness to the user’s physique.
Despite its advanced age as one of the earliest steroids ever created, Proviron has continued to be a mainstay on the market due to its success in the clinical world and its safety. Although a weak anabolic, Proviron may promote ideal conditions for other steroids to act more effectively by binding to receptors throughout the body more strongly, freeing the stronger steroids to act on the body longer.
Proviron Usage
Proviron is primarily used by bodybuilders in the lead up to contests because it has no estrogenic activity, thus it does not cause water retention which can hide muscles (which can hide muscles under a layer of definition-softening water). In fact, Proviron actually functions as a weak anti-estrogen and result in significantly less need for supplemental stand-alone anti-estrogens (e.g. 10-20 mg of Nolvadex). In addition to all of this, Proviron also helps encourage the use of body fat over muscle tissue as an energy source while dieting (especially so when stacked with testosterone). Thus Proviron is most often used for cutting, primarily so in stacks.
Proviron can also be stacked with most other steroids, especially cutting drugs due to its highly androgenic properties. As a result, it can help with estrogen management where one can see enhanced muscles but without excessive water retention. Some popular agents to stack with Proviron include Primobolan, Winstrol, and Anavar. Proviron is actually seldom even used on its own as it does not provide worthwhile gains in that usage. Another benefit of this steroid is the fact that at low dosages it can actually stimulate testosterone production making it useful in post-cycle therapy.
Proviron Dosage
Within the bodybuilding community it is suggested that users take a dosage of 25-75 mg a week in cycles no longer than 6-12 weeks. Women are not advised to use Proviron due to its strong masculinizing effects. However, some may find that 25 mg used for no more than 5 weeks can have positive effects on their physique, particularly in conjunction with 10-20 mg of Nolvadex, although this would still be considered very risky.
Proviron Side Effects
Side effects can include increased body hair growth, acne, oily skin, Testosterone suppression (only beyond 150 mg per day), male pattern hair loss, and negatively affect cholesterol levels. Those with cardiovascular concerns should likely seek a different steroid. Many of these side effects can be alleviated with proper supplements. Women, who are advised not to use Proviron, would be at risk of a deepening in their voice, body and facial hair growth, menstrual irregularities, and clitoris enlargement. If such symptoms present themselves, discontinue use immediately or the changes can become permanent.
Proviron Availability
Proviron has never been produced in the U.S. but is available in numerous countries worldwide. It comes in tablet form containing between 25-50 mg of the steroid. Containers are usually either small glass vials or push-through strips. Due to its wide availability and low price, counterfeits are not known to be a problem and it is not widely available on the U.S. black market.
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