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SP Sustanon for Bitcoins

Buy SP Sustanon Online 60.00 USD

Drug information:

Trade Name: SP Sustanon
Mixed Testosterones:
- 30 mg of Testosterone Propionate
- 60 mg of Testosterone Phenylpropionate
- 60 mg of Testosterone Isocaproate
- 100 mg of Testosterone Decanoate
Strength: 250 mg/ml
Container: 10 mL Vial
Manufacturer: SP Laboratories

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SP Laboratories Sustanon for Sale

SP Sustanon (AKA Testosterone Blend)
Testosterone Mix:
- 30 mg per mL of Testosterone Propionate
- 60 mg per mL of Testosterone Isocaproate
- 60 mg per mL of Testosterone Phenylpropionate
- 100 mg per mL of Testosterone Decanoate
Chemical Name: 17b-hydroxy-4-androsten-3-one
Molecular Weight: 412.6112 g/mol
Formula: C19H28O2
Half Life: 8 - 10 days
Detection Time: 3 months
Anabolic Rating: 100
Androgenic Rating: 100
Effective Dosage for Men: 450 - 2000 mg/week
Effective Dosage for Women: Not recommended
Stack With: SP Nandrolone, Equipoise, SP Oxymetabol, SP Metandienon for best results.
Use For: Bulking cycles.

SP Sustanon is an injectable anabolic steroid made up of four blended testosterones. It is very similar to Omnadren in that Omnadren was modelled off of it except for a small difference to avoid copyright infringement although it is now identical to it. Despite popular opinion, SP Sustanon is more useful in a medical setting than in the bodybuilding community.

SP Sustanon injection was developed under the belief that, due to the four different Testosterone blends, all of which have different peaks, that it would be better for keeping hormonal levels balanced than one pure testosterone would. However, studies suggest that some long lasting Testosterones may be more stable after all. Some may still choose SP Sustanon if they prefer less injections. Another misconception is that SP Sustanon is a good deal just because it consists of four Testosterones but this is also not true. SP Sustanon is useful in medical settings simply because it reduces the amount of visits a patient might need to make with their doctor for injections.

Just as all Testosterone based steroids do, SP Sustanon aromatizes estrogen and results in significant water retention. Although this artificially raises weight and hides muscles, it protects the muscles and the joints while the Testosterone promotes muscle growth. Due to this, SP Sustanon is at its most useful as a bulking agent. This can be counteracted with an anti-estrogen supplement (which will also protect against gynecomastia).

SP Sustanon is a fast acting and long lasting Testosterone product. It is recommended that it be used for between 6-12 weeks at 250-750 mg every 7-10 days with a water retention reducing supplements, and Testosterone supplements if needed. SP Sustanon is not recommended for women. It peaks after 24-48 hours and can still exert a measurable affect up to 14 days after an injection. SP Sustanon, as a Testosterone blend, is also stackable.

SP Sustanon: Side Effects

Side effects can include increased estrogen levels (resulting in gynecomastia at high dosages), water retention, high blood pressure, body hair growth, acne, oily skin, Testosterone suppression, male pattern hair loss, and negatively affected cholesterol levels (which can elevate the risk of cardiovascular disease). SP Sustanon injection has been reported by many to be painful as it irritates the injection site and, in some, may present flu like symptoms with every injection. Many of these side effects can be controlled and avoided with proper supplements. Men at risk for balding may want to consider Nandrolone Decanoate (buy SP Nandrolone). While on anabolics users should avoid saturated fats, simple carbohydrates, and cholesterol. Women, who are not advised to take SP Sustanon, will be at risk for masculinization, such as a deepening in their voice, body and facial hair growth, menstrual irregularities, and clitoris enlargement.

SP Sustanon 250 has not been approved within the United States. It is widely available in online market and is packaged in 1 mL ampules meaning you can still buy SP Sustanon. It is very similar to Trenbolone Mix which was modeled after it.

SP Sustanon's Testosterone blend consists of:

  • 30 mg of Testosterone Propionate
  • 60 mg of Testosterone Phenylpropionate
  • 60 mg of Testosterone Isocaproate
  • 100 mg of Testosterone Decanoate

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Real SP Sustanon Reviews

  • Apr 5, 2018 (11:10) A bit of pip but I always get it from sustanon. I used these right away at one 250mg every third day and just used my last one. I have no way to know how accurately they are dosed but I was very happy with the results. In a few days shy of a month I gained 9 pounds and a ton of strength. I haven't been lifting very heavy lately and this stuff made me want to again. My body filled out real nice with this even though some of it was obvious water weight I do feel tighter then before. Libido increased quite a bit and and my face is really oily. I wish I had more of this stuff to give it a longer run instead of having to jump to another brand to finish my quick 6 week cycle with test p. I've never been a real big fan of test blends but I really liked this gear.

    Good experience with a new lab. Would try more of their line.

You must log in before you write a SP Sustanon review.

Buy SP Sustanon Alternatives

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    Trade Name: Sustamed
    Mixed Testosterones:
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    Strength: 250 mg/ml
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  • Buy Sustaxyl 350 Online 42.75 USD
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    Sustaxyl 350

    Trade Name: Sustaxyl
    Mixed Testosterones:
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    Warning! High dosed gear, can cause pain and reaction at the injection site!`
    Warm high concentration 350 mg<
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    and massage afterward.

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    Sustanon 270

    Trade Name: Sustanon
    Mixed Testosterones:
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    Supertest 450

    Trade Name: Supertest 450
    Mixed Testosterones:
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    - 125 mg of Testosterone Cypionate
    - 147 mg of Testosterone Decanoate
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    Container: 10 mL Vial
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    Trade Name: Hexadex
    Mixed Testosterones:
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    - 95 mg of Testosterone Cypionate
    - 165 mg of Testosterone Undecanoate
    Strength: 450 mg/ml
    Container: 10 mL Vial
    Manufacturer: Sciroxx

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    Mixed Testosterones:
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    - 84 mg of Testosterone Isocaproate
    - 140 mg of Testosterone Decanoate
    Strength: 350 mg/ml
    Container: 10 mL vial
    Manufacturer: Sciroxx

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    Out of Stock

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    Mixed Testosterones:
    - 20 mg of Testosterone Acetate
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    - 60 mg of Testosterone Isocaproate
    - 100 mg of Testosterone Decanoate
    Strength: 270 mg/ml
    Container: 10 mL Vial
    Manufacturer: BodyPharm

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    Trade Name: Supertest
    Mixed Testosterones:
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    - 125 mg of Testosterone Cypionate
    - 147 mg of Testosterone Decanoate
    Strength: 450 mg/ml
    Container: 10 mL Vial
    Manufacturer: BodyPharm

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    Trade Name: Sustalab-250
    Mixed Testosterones:
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    - 60 mg of Testosterone Isocaproate
    - 100 mg of Testosterone Decanoate
    Strength: 250 mg/mL
    Container: 10 mL Vial
    Manufacturer: 7Lab Pharma

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