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Buy Anapolon Online 73.00 USD

Drug information:

Trade Name: Anapolon
Compound: Oxymetholone
Strength: 50 mg/pill
Container: 60 Pills in Blister
Manufacturer: Balkan Pharmaceuticals

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Balkan Pharmaceuticals Anapolon for Sale

Anapolon (AKA Anadrol)
Chemical Name: 17β-hydroxy-2-hydroxymethylene-17-methyl-5α-androstan-3-one
Molecular Weight: 332.48 g/mol
Formula: C21H32O3
Half Life: 8 - 9 hours
Detection Time: 2 months
Anabolic Rating: 320
Androgenic Rating: 45
Effective Dosage for Men: 50 - 150 mg/day
Effective Dosage for Women: 25 - 30 mg/day
Stack With: Nandrolone (buy Nandrolone D), Methenolone (buy Primobol), Winstrol (buy Strombaject), Testosterone (buy Sustamed) for best results.
Use For: Bulking cycles.

One of the most powerful steroids is undoubtedly Anapolon from Balkan Pharmaceuticals, also known as Oxymetholone. Like many other drugs used in bodybuilding, Anapolon was first used in medicine. This is a very strong anabolic, which is three times more effective than Testosterone, although it has a slightly increased androgenic effect. In fact, this drug is based on the form of dihydrotestosterone, but it has several modifications. A pretty big advantage of Anapolon is the fact that it is not converted into estrogens. On the other hand, the oral form of taking this drug is fraught with liver problems. But all the side effects can be minimized if you follow the prescribed dosage and follow the advice of professionals.

Anapolon: Side Effects

So, why do bodybuilders undergo an Anapolon cycle? The answer is very simple - high efficiency in the shortest possible time. Anapolon is used to maximize the strength. Also important property of this steroid is its effect on building muscle mass. Many Anapolon reviews simply idolize it, because in just one course you can gain up to 15 kilograms of weight. These results are impressive, but nevertheless there is a phenomenon of muscle loss, which in the worst case will lead to a loss of 30 percent of the muscular mass gained. Also note a serious decrease in joints pain. Anapolon has some unpleasant side effects that will necessarily occur if you break the dosage.

You may have high blood pressure, anorexia, gynecomastia, nausea. The most important is the toxic effect on liver. This is something that many bodybuilders want to avoid, so they try to comply with all the prescriptions from doctor, however, a small impact can still be avoided. For women, Anapolon cycle is generally not advised to pass, because even though this steroid is not converted into estrogens, it still has some estrogenic effect on body.

How to use Anapolon?

So, you decided to buy Anapolon, how do you prepare a cycle so that you do not have health problems? Of course, the dosage of this drug should always be prescribed by a professional doctor, such a responsible task should not be trusted to a friend, because the state of your body depends on it. However, it is still possible to name some average values ​​advised by experts. For beginners, Anapolon cycle lasts no more than four weeks, for professional athletes - no more than six. Dosage in no case should exceed 150 mg, especially if the course is long, it is best to take 100 mg daily daily for several weeks - then the result will be good, and there will not be much harm to the body.

Anapolon reviews note that the effect can be noticed already in the first twenty days after the start of the cycle. After completing the course, our store advises to purchase boosters and sports nutrition to restore body's normal function. Also in the course itself, you can include additional drugs - Boldenone (buy Equipoise), Testosterone or Methenolone, this combination will significantly increase the effectiveness of training.

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