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Oxandrolone for Bitcoins

Buy Oxandrolone Online 80.00 USD

Drug information:

Trade Name: Oxandrolone
Compound: Oxandrolone
Strength: 10 mg/pill
Container: 100 Pills in Blister
Manufacturer: Balkan Pharmaceuticals

Out of stock

Balkan Pharmaceuticals Oxandrolone for Sale

Oxandrolone (AKA Anavar)
Chemical Name: 17β-hydroxy-17α-methyl-2-oxa-5α-androstane-3-one
Molecular Weight: 306.44 g/mol
Formula: C19H30O3
Half Life: 9 hours
Detection Time: 3 weeks
Anabolic Rating: 322 - 630
Androgenic Rating: 24
Effective Dosage for Men: 20 - 100 mg/day
Effective Dosage for Women: 2.5 - 20 mg/day
Stack With: Methenolone (buy Primobol), Winstrol (buy Strombaject), Fluoxymesterone (buy Halotest), Mesterolone (buy Provimed), Trenbolone (buy Parabolan) for best results.
Use For: Cutting cycles.

Not only experienced athletes, but also newbies in bodybuilding, often undergo a course of Oxandrolone. Such a steroid is most suitable for weightlifters and those who want to improve their strengths, while leaving muscle mass unchanged. Oxandrolone, produced by Balkan Pharmaceuticals, is a very powerful anti-catabolic that blocks the activation of cortisol receptors. Such properties allow using this drug in bridges between other steroid cycles in order to maintain the achieved result.

You will form rigid muscles, which are extremely important for any athlete who is preparing for any competitions. Even ordinary lovers often use this steroid to make their muscles as expressive as possible. It should be mentioned that Oxandrolone has been used by athletes for a very long time. Oxandrolone, appeared as early as the mid-1970s in America. Everyone noticed that the power indicators when taking this steroid greatly increased, and therefore began its massive use. Balkan Pharmaceuticals Oxandrolone is an analogue of this steroid itself, and today it is recognized as one of the best.

How to use Oxandrolone?

The dosage of this steroid varies between 50-150 mg per day. However, for each person, this value should be selected individually, while taking into account all the characteristics of the body. If you take this steroid during a bridge between cycles of other drugs, then the dosage should not exceed 40 mg. An important point - even if you take Oxandrolone with doses of 150 mg a day, muscle mass will not increase anyway.

Oxandrolone from Balkan Pharmaceuticals can be safely combined with other steroids - with Clenbuterol (buy Clenbuterol), Stanozolol and some other drugs during cutting. You can freely add Testosterone (buy Sustamed), Methandienone (buy Danabol) and much more to the cycle. It is necessary to divide the daily dosage into several parts and stretch the reception for the whole day.

Also, Oxandrolone is excellent as a steroid for support during a cycle for mass. Usually there are combinations with Oxymetholone (buy Anapolon) or Methandrostenolone. This will allow you to gain the required amount of mass and fix the result. At the end of the course, in addition to Oxandrolone, Testosterone Undecanoate (buy Undecanoate) or Methenolone is injected into body. For those in whom the body does not tolerate Testosterone injections, a steroid called Nandrolone Decanoate was developed.

Oxandrolone: Side Effects

If you decide to take an Oxandrolone cycle, then you need to learn more about its properties. This steroid is low in toxicity, side effects are extremely rare. Take it better two hours after eating, especially if you have problems with digestion, so the substance is better absorbed by the body. Side effects from Oxandrolone occur only if you exceed the prescribed dosage several times in a row.

However, although this steroid is not very toxic, a prolonged course will lead to some problems with liver. This is due to the fact that this drug is acclimated to 17-alpha. Do not overestimate the danger of its toxic effects, but this must be taken into account when passing the cycle. Also, this steroid from the Balkan Pharmaceuticals may well cause some health problems in women, if they take this drug in excessive dose.

If you take six tablets a day, then soon you will notice the appearance on face of blackheads, hair loss and a noticeable decrease in the timbre of the voice. In part, this can occur even if the dosage is low, but this happens very rarely. Oxandrolone is available only in the form of tablets, do not buy it in an injectable form, most likely it is a fake. If we talk about the price of this drug, then it is quite high, this is the only drawback of this steroid. However, the high cost does not prevent this drug from successfully selling.

Buy Oxandrolone Online

You can buy Oxandrolone from the Balkan Pharmaceuticals in our online steroid store. We deliver to USA, Canada, Australia and Worldwide. All our products are absolutely original and of high quality, as evidenced by numerous reviews on Internet.

Real Oxandrolone Reviews

  • Jan 23, 2018 (11:56) The var was high dosed, stayed hard and tightened up, six pack came out very nice, so burned some fat up. It was great.

You must log in before you write a Oxandrolone review.

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