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SP Clenbuterol for Bitcoins

Buy SP Clenbuterol Online 50.00 USD

Drug information:

Trade Name: SP Clenbuterol
Compound: Clenbuterol Hydrochloride
Strength: 40 mcg/pill
Container: 100 Pills in Blister
Manufacturer: SP Laboratories

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SP Laboratories Clenbuterol for Sale

SP Clenbuterol (AKA Ventipulmin, Spiropent)
Chemical Name: (RS)-1-(4-Amino-3,5-dichlorophenyl)-2-(tert-butylamino)ethanol
Molecular Weight: 277.19 g/mol
Formula: C12H18Cl2N2O
Half Life: 36 - 48 hours
Detection Time: 4 - 5 days
Anabolic Rating: N/A
Androgenic Rating: N/A
Effective Dosage for Men: 120 - 160 mcg/day
Effective Dosage for Women: 80 - 100 mcg/day
Stack With: SP Stanoject (buy Stanozolol), SP Oxanabol (buy Oxandrolone) and Trenbolone for best results.
Use For: Cutting cycle, fat loss cycle, lean muscle retention cycle, energy & endurance cycle.

SP Clenbuterol is a widely used bronchodilator frequently used a powerful fat burner. It bares many similarities to ephedrine but significantly more effective. It was originally designed to treat and manage respiratory conditions but the fat burning properties are now the primary reason many buy SP Clenbuterol. Doses should not exceed 20μg for women and 40μg for men.

How SP Clenbuterol Works

SP Clenbuterol stimulates beta 2 receptors in order to speed up the body’s metabolic rate which in turn promotes an increase in use of stored body fat to generate energy. This also triggers thermogenesis, an increase in cellular, (and hence core body), temperature. The increase in body heat also stimulates the metabolic rate for a cyclical effect to burn the maximum amount of fat. SP Clenbuterol is used as an appetite suppressant, though this effect is not consistent and seems more predominant in some patients then others. Regardless, the effects on weight loss are substantial and are a clear benefit to anyone dealing with weight management problems.

SP Clenbuterol: Side Effects

As SP Clenbuterol is also a stimulant, it can make the user feel a certain buzz, or energetic feeling which also relates to the compounds most serious side effects. Users may experience jitters, insomina, restlessness, nervousness and in some extreme cases thyrotoxicosis, tachycardia, subaortic stenosis, or a marked change in blood pressure.

SP Clenbuterol Cycles

When using SP Clenbuterol in a cycle, there are generally three ways to go about it. The “bursting” cycle consists of 2 days on followed by 2 days off. The concept being that short bursts of relatively high doses allow for an extended period of use, sometimes up to months at a time. This has the downside of being marginally less effective as well as more stressful for the body.

The second method is similar but stretched out more. It consists of 2 weeks on SP Clenbuterol followed by 2 weeks off. This method is the most popular amongst performance enhancers. It is generally more effective than the burst method previously described. This form of SP Clenbuterol cycle employs a lower dose of 20μg to 40μg increasing every day or every other day until a maximum dose of around 100μg to 140μg is achieved. At the end of the two weeks on SP Clenbuterol, the user will discontinue use for two weeks. Upon resuming use, the user will usually start at the last dose. That is to say, if the first two weeks ended at 80μg, the proceeding two weeks on will start at 80μg.

The third cycle is very similar to the second with a notably slower increase. Instead of alternating, the dose is kept low at 20μg to 40μg for 2-3 weeks before incrementing by as little as 20μg. This means it may take up to 21 weeks of dosing to reach the maximum amount of SP Clenbuterol. This tends to be the most efficient as it’s easier on the body and allows for constant, consistent effects over a much longer period of time.

SP Clenbuterol Availability

When purchasing SP Clenbuterol, it is usually delivered in liquid or tablet form. In either case, it is administered orally. Assuming the product is legitimate, both liquid and solid forms factors will behave identically within the body. Liquid doses of SP Clenbuterol, as with many other drugs, are harder to come by while maintaining the same degree of quality. Therefore tablet form may be a safer bet, though research should be done prior to any purchase to ensure the safety of the user.

Currently SP Clenbuterol is not an ingredient of any therapeutic drug licensed by the FDA and is banned entirely by the IOC. It is forbidden for use in any animal intended for human consumption in many areas including the United States. For this reason SP Clenbuterol may be difficult to obtain legally, but it is still available here online.

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    Compound: Clenbuterol Hydrochloride
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    Trade Name: Clenodex
    Compound: Clenbuterol Hydrochloride
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    Trade Name: Clenbuterol
    Compound: Clenbuterol Hydrochloride
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    Out of Stock

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    Cleno-Lab 40

    Trade Name: Clenbuterol
    Compound: Clenbuterol Hydrochloride
    Strength: 40 mcg/pill
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    Manufacturer: 7Lab Pharma

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    Compound: Clenbuterol, Yohimbine
    Strength: 5.9 mg/ml
    Container: 10 mL Vial
    Manufacturer: 7Lab Pharma

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    Compound: Clenbuterol, Yohimbine
    Strength: 5.8 mg/ml
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    Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma

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